About Us
The Full Story
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Beitar Illit faced a significant kollel crisis. With hundreds of weddings taking place each month and the borders closed, many kollelim were unable to accept new yungerleit. Recognizing the urgent need, a group of balabatim and rabbanim came together, understanding that this challenge was not only about strengthening Torah but also about saving lives and marriages.
In 2021, after Pesach, we launched our initiative to provide seed funding to Roshei Kollelim, enabling them to accept more yungerleit. For less than $1,000 a year, we have already supported close to 800 yungerleit across 40+ kollelim. We invite Klal Yisroel to join us in this vital cause, sharing the responsibility to not only bolster Torah learning but also to ensure its continuity in Eretz Yisroel for future generations. All donations are tax-deductible (Tax ID: 46-4301263).
30$Every month$1 a day charged monthly- Covers half the cost of yungerman
- (Upgrade to $2 a day to sponsor a full Yungerman)
60$Every month$2 a Day Charged Monthly- Sponsor a Yungerman
150$Every month$5 a day Charged Monthly- Sponsor 2.5 Yungerliet
300$Every month$10 a day charged monthly- Sponsor 5 Yungerleit
$1 a day (Paid Annually)
365$Every year
What The Gedolim Are Saying:
HaRav Shimon Galai Shlita
“This is a partnership with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. In the merit of supporting Torah, Hashem becomes a partner in your business, ushering in a future of prosperity and blessing."
HaRav Shmuel Kamentsky Shlita
“It is a great zechus for our community here in America to be partnering with so many chashuva kollelim across Eretz Yisroel. The flow of harbatzas Torah being created as a result is truly unparalleled.”
HaRav Don Segal Shlita
"Partnering your business with Torah Daily invites Bracha to your business. A person's wealth that keeps them on their feet - if he uses it to hold others, it becomes the very zchus that will hold him up as well. "
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.